K I S S I N G &
Catholic Morality
Is kissing sinful?
This is a question we have often been asked during
our years of pleasant association with young people. Here we merely give
a concise summary on the subject of kissing; later we shall elaborate on the
We distinguish between kissing and kissing.
Rather, let us say that there are four categories of kisses:
1. Kisses that are merely a
sacred and lovely symbol used to express deep and beautiful emotion and are
not, of course, sinful; the mutual kisses of mother and child; the mutual
kisses of husband and wife; the kisses imprinted on a sacred object, such as
the Bible, the crucifix, the ring of a bishop, the relic of a saint, the altar,
the hand of a priest, etc.; Kisses imprinted on some dear object, such as the
flag of one’s country, the soil of one’s native land, the hand of a benefactor,
etc., etc.
2. Non-passionate kisses —
that is, those which are of such a nature as not to arouse the passions of a
normal person — are not sinful in themselves, though they may easily prepare
the way for passionate kisses, especially when indulged in by young persons of
the opposite sex. In such kisses real affection is felt but there is
normally no exciting of the passions. A kiss of this type is not sinful
at all, even if it be exchanged between a young lady and her gentleman
friend. The engaged, in order to foster their mutual love, may make use
of the non-passionate kiss and embrace; but they must remember that continual
hugging and kissing, even of the non-passionate type, may readily bring on
serious temptations, and so should be avoided.
3. Kissing for the thrill of
it, because of the excitement (non-venereal) produced by "an increase of
pulse and respiration which causes a feeling of exhilaration" is not in
itself sinful, if there is no reaction of the organs of generation; but such
kisses, in certain circumstances, easily prove a source of danger because they
prepare the way for arousing the passions. Kissing in a spirit of
mischievousness, a stolen kiss, for instance, or forcing a kiss on a girl who
resists, or kissing just because of the novelty of the act, is hardly a sin
against the sixth commandment, but may offend against the virtue of charity.
4. Passionate kissing, just
because intense or passionate, stirs up venereal pleasure and is forbidden
under pain of serious sin. Kisses not at first passionate, ordinarily
become so if prolonged for some time, so that really prolonged kissing is
classified as passionate. In short, all kissing to arouse venereal
pleasure is gravely sinful because of the intention. There is no slightest
doubt in the mind of any decent man or woman that kissing between unmarried
people becomes sinful when passion takes over. Any normal person is fully
aware that under certain circumstances passion was meant by nature to take
over. The kiss was by God and nature intended to make men and women grow
passionately excited. The kiss is under those conditions the normal and
natural prelude to physical union. We cannot say in general, then, that
kissing is sinful or not sinful. We must take each case as it is.
I think you are too severe in your views about
kissing, as expressed in replies given from time to time. (See following
As regards our views about kissing, they are really
not ours. In all our replies we merely give, sometimes verbatim and
sometimes in our own words, the teachings of moral theology and of those who are
competent to write on the subject. And almost invariably we purposely
seek the less severe views on this subject of perennial interest.
When we received this query, we looked over the
pamphlet rack in a church where we happened to be and found three booklets on
purity, all with ecclesiastical approbation and the oldest dated 1936. We
give an extract from each, about kissing chiefly:
"Not every kiss or embrace between
company-keepers is a sin, but they easily lead to what is sinful. Necking
and petting should never be indulged in by those who wish to remain
virtuous. "Of all the youth who go to parties, attend dances, and
ride together in automobiles, more than ninety per cent indulge in hugging and
kissing," says Judge Lindsey of Denver. His long and intimate
experience with youth well qualifies him to speak. "Fifty per cent
of the original ninety per cent indulge in half-way sex intimacies that wreck
the health and morals alike . . . fifteen to twenty-five per cent of those who
begin with hugging and kissing, eventually "go the limit", continues
the Judge.
"The second great danger of cradle courtships
is that of immorality — passionate petting, kissing, parking in an automobile
in lovers’ lanes and the like. When curiosity is strong in any department
of the mind, experiments are likely to be set up to dissolve that
curiosity. And constant, close companionship between boys and girls in
courtship right at the time when curiosity about sex is strongest, is bound to
bring the less disciplined into trouble."
"It is true that not every kiss or embrace
between those keeping company is a sin. If it is not prolonged or
passionate, and is not accompanied by any immodesty, it is not sinful, but even
then it can produce a strong tendency towards evil that must be seriously
resisted. What is called ‘necking’ or ‘petting’ or ‘soul-kissing’, etc.,
is forbidden because such conduct is intimately bound up with, or inevitably
leads to, indulgence in forbidden pleasure."
How about kissing? Will you kindly explain
why it is so dangerous and all that?
A woman has written the following article on a
subject that is of interest to young men as well as to young women and it is so
sensible, so clear, so instructive, that it deserves to be widely circulated:
"I get a great many letters from young girls
who want to know what they shall do about the kissing proposition. They
say that it is practically a case of no kiss, no beau, for the young men who
take them about demand a good-night kiss as pay for their courtesies, and if they
refuse, it is, indeed, goodnight, in the slang phrase for they never see these
osculatory youths again.
"Now the innate modesty and delicacy of those
girls revolt at yielding their lips to men to whom they are not even engaged;
to men who do not even pretend to be in love with them. It violates their
sense of what is proper, but, at the same time, they do not want to be regarded
as prudes or Puritans. Still less do they desire to be wall flowers left
out of all the fun and parties, and numbered with those forlorn damsels who
never have any attention from men.
"So the girl is torn between her instinctive
sense of what is right and her knowledge of expediency, and she wants to know
what she shall do and how she shall answer the eternal argument of man when he
is trying to persuade a woman into doing the thing that he knows she should not
do. To kiss or not to kiss, that’s the question that troubles her.
"There can be but one answer to give a girl to
this problem. It is no, no, no! A maiden’s lips should be kept
inviolate, and the first man’s kiss that is pressed upon them should be the
kiss of love from the man she expects to marry. For a girl to give her
lips to every Tom, Dick and Harry who takes her to a moving picture show or
escorts her home from a dance is something unthinkable....
"It is a pity that girls can never be made to
realize that the most alluring and attractive thing about them is the aura of
innocence and unsophistication that surrounds them. It is the whiteness,
the untrodden snowness of their souls that is their chief charm, and they never
make so fatal a mistake as when they throw this away.
"If girls were only wise enough to realize how
fascinating aloofness is, and what an appeal unsullied purity makes to the
masculine imagination, they would keep every man at arm’s length at least until
he had come out and popped the question. They would not think for a
minute of putting up with cheap familiarities from men that rob them of their
freshness and make them little shop-worn bits of humanity that have been pawed
over like the goods on a bargain table. Girls should never forget that it
is the shy and shrinking violet that is man’s favourite flower not the brazen
"My girl correspondent says that she does not
know how to answer a man when he begs her to kiss him and tells her that there
is no harm in it, and that his arguments make her feel foolish because she
seems to be making a great ado over very little matter. There is one
answer that every girl can make to a man’s request for a kiss.
"She can ask him if he would like his sister
to kiss any man goodnight who happened to call on her. She can ask him
what he would advise his sister to do if his sister were in her place.
And she can ask him if he would like to think that the girl that he is going to
marry some day had kissed a hundred men who were mere casual acquaintances.
"Such questions will make any decent man
writhe. A man will tell his own sister quickly enough what he thinks on
the subject and his own lips would grow cold and stiff on his sweetheart’s if
he remembered that her soft young mouth had belonged to a long procession of
men before him. "Girls can never bear in mind too constantly the
fact that not all men play fair with women, and that men are not always just or
logical in judging them. A man might spend hours, days and months
persuading a girl to do something that is wrong, and have a contempt for her ever
afterwards for yielding to him. He will argue down her every instinct and
scruple and principle against kissing him, and the minute she does he will lose
his reverence for her as for something utterly fine and delicate....
"Girls should also bear in mind that a wedding
ring on the hand is worth a basket of them in the dim distance, and that the
girls who have the most beaux generally get the fewest and the poorest
makeshifts of husbands. A girl observes that those girls who are free and
easy in their manners, who exact no sort of respect from men and permit them to
indulge in familiarities and take liberties with them, girls who drink and
smoke with men, and listen to and tell off-coloured stories, girls who are good
sports — these girls are what we call popular, and are generally surrounded by
a horde of men. Especially while they are young and good looking, and
full of high spirits.
"But what the girl does not notice is that
this type of young girl very seldom marries, and when she does she almost invariably
marries a crooked stick who wasn’t worth picking up. The fast girl, the
girl without modesty or delicate womanly reserve, may be the kind of a girl
that men like to play with, but she isn’t the sort of woman that they want for
a wife and for the mother of their children.
"That is why you are so often surprised at the
marriages that men make. Men whom you have known of as gay rounders bob
up with a wife who is a Sunday school teacher. Men who have been noted
chorus girl chasers go to some country village and marry girls who never saw a
brighter lamp than a kerosene lamp. They don’t want the lips on which a
thousand kisses have rained. They want the lips that have never been
kissed at all.
"And don’t be misled, girls, into making the
mistake of believing that because a man asks you to kiss him it is any
indication of his being in love with you. A kiss is no guarantee of
affection. Judas betrayed his Lord with a kiss, and every black-hearted
traitor of a man who ever betrayed the faith of an innocent and trusting young
girl began his devil’s work in the same way, with a kiss.
"The primrose path that leads to perdition for
women is paved with the kisses of men. The thing that no money could have
hired them to do, that no argument could have persuaded them to do, they have
been kissed into doing. For it is no flight of the poet’s fancy when he
speaks about women being made drunk on kisses. It is a literal fact, and
that is why no girl is safe who permits men to kiss her."
Can a girl be too strict as regards kisses,
caresses, and other familiarities with the young man she is keeping company
First of all, there is a big general rule for
company keeping. Such things as holding one another’s hands, sitting on
one another’s lap, kissing, caressing, fondling, embracing, and other
familiarities are very dangerous. Such actions work slyly though directly
on the nerves of the body and render them morbidly sensitive; they arouse
emotions and passions that are anything but proper, and waken and stimulate
thoughts, instincts, feelings, desires and, but too often, even actions that
are positively indecent. It is a clear case of leading oneself into
serious temptations, which frequently end in a fall. That is why these
things are usually sinful, that is why there is no truth in the
assertion: "There is no harm in it." Now, that is, the
big, general rule.
That is why it is clear that no girl can be too
strict in these things. If a young man is dissatisfied with the maidenly
modesty and prudence of a good girl and insists upon tokens of affection of the
kind mentioned above and will break off his friendship if he does not get them,
then simply let him go. The true Christian gentleman will admire and love
a girl all the more for her firm stand in matters of modesty. And such a
one will be an ideal husband. It is perfectly right for you to be very
strict. May God bless such girls! They are truly wise.
When a young man is keeping company with a girl
with the intention of marriage does he do wrong in kissing her? Is it a
mortal sin to kiss in a passionate way when keeping company? When is a
kiss a sin and when is it not?
Lovers who are engaged to be married may exchange
respectable marks of affection and love, in a moderate degree. A modest
kiss is one such mark of affection. But it must remain modest, and must
not become willfully passionate and sensual and, hence, grievously
sinful. It will easily become thus sinful, if repeated often at the same
meeting. One friendly and pure goodnight kiss is not dangerous for
engaged couples. But it ought to be sufficient. The passionate and
lingering kiss, or the so-called soul kiss between lovers, is a mortal sin,
because it offers the occasion and inducement to grievous sensual emotions and
Relative to the question as to when kissing is
sinful and when it is not, it may, in general, be said that whatever conduct
exposes you or your partner to the proximate danger of yielding to impurity in
thought, desire, feeling, or action is a mortal sin. And if you say that
passionate kisses do not involve this danger for you or your companion, you are
grossly deceiving yourself. Such an assertion makes one think of a dulled
conscience and a blinded soul. Incipient or advanced lovers who are not
yet engaged to be married should not at all indulge in kissing and similar
demonstrations of intimate and ardent love since their relations are not close
enough to warrant it. If they embark at so early a stage upon these
amorous practices, there is every danger that they will proceed from what
appears innocent and modest to what they know is not, and the magnitude of the
harm and disaster that will ensue to both parties will probably outrun all
their calculations.
We believe that the above gives principles that will
enable you to act rightly in all circumstances that may arise. We add,
however, as a serious warning, that, though there may be some who have no evil
thoughts or desires whatsoever in kissing and petting, they may be the occasion
of gross sins of immoral thoughts, desires, and emotions to their
partners. Remember this safe and simple rule: "Never do anything,
when the two of you are alone, which you would be ashamed to do in the presence
of your parents; or which you would be ashamed to reveal to your parents."
Is it a sin to give a boy friend a good night kiss
after you have spent a pleasant evening together?
That depends upon many things. If it is a
pure, modest, friendly, passing kiss and does not give rise in either party to
impure thoughts, desires, or feelings that are consented to, it is not a
sin. But those who are not yet engaged to be married should not indulge
at all in kissing or in similar demonstrations of intimate love. Don’t,
don’t! It is dangerous. Protect yourself and the young man you love
by refraining from all undue familiarities. If not sinful now, it may
soon become so and lead to harm and disaster that will outrun all your
calculations. Don’t! A young man with the proper sense of virtue
and honour will always respect his friend’s concern for her modesty and
innocence as manifested in the observance of this important
"Don’t!" He will love her all the more for it. He will
look upon her declining even "a mere kiss" as a convincing sign of
her great shyness and fear of being gradually beguiled into the loss of what
she considers — and what he also considers — her greatest treasure. Be
sure of this: a girl who is easy and ready to grant unmaidenly privileges to a
young man loses just that much of his respect and rightly so. Such a
young man will just naturally conclude that she is ready to lend her lips to
anybody who comes along — and has doubtless already done so. No good
Catholic gentleman wants such a girl.
How does a girl refuse a man’s demands for
privileges (in dating, company keeping) and still hold his attention?
You want to keep in circulation with Catholic
fellows. You dread the very thought of becoming a permanent member of the
unmarried ladies’ club. But because of the problem of straying hands and
your own "Hands off" policy, the fellows do not date you any
more. And you have yet to find a suitable and workable answer to the
question asked above.
The question is not an easy one to answer.
True enough, it is easy to say what a girl should not do. She should never
do anything that is sinful herself or permit anything to be done to her which
would make her accessory to the sin of another. Sin is, the greatest evil
in the world; and not for the whole world and everything in it may we commit
A girl should not do what so many girls do in the
mad world of today — she should not sacrifice her womanhood in order to get and
hold a man.
Without being prudish a girl can be habitually
virtuous. With this habit of virtue she will ward off advances, refuse
kissing and necking, all as a matter of course, as a matter of good sense and
good taste. She will set standards for the boys of her acquaintance; and
if they do not want to live up to those standards, she will consider it a good
riddance if they betake themselves elsewhere. She will remember that it
is up to the girl to draw the line as regards petting, etc., and that she can
always tell a boy "where to get off." A chaste girl can make a
boy keep hands off, if she wants to. She knows that "nothing makes a
woman more esteemed by the opposite sex than chastity." She will
never compromise. And if the boy is worth knowing, he will accept her
high standards with respect and admiration.
The boy you have dated three or four times, let us
say, is a friend, but he does not yet share your heart. So you are
perfectly correct in refusing a kiss, even it is so annoyingly insisted
upon. Say "No" and stick to it. As for parked cars and
sun bathing together, such things are taboo, whether he is the one-and-only or
Emotions and passions are like sparks within
us. Disturb them and you are liable to get burned. Also, when
something is easy to get, its value soon dwindles and its desirability
fades. When a girl’s kisses are free for the asking, she risks the loss
of not only her own good reputation, but also her charm and appeal. If a
boy demands "necking" as part of the date, he shows that he has no
respect for you. You are just a plaything to him. Then certainly,
he’s not worth dating, is he?
So be independent of such individuals even if it
means week after week without dates for a while. It is much better to be
popular with God than with men, for God’s love is true and everlasting, with
the promise of eternal reward and happiness. So stay on the "pedestal
of pure womanhood" where God has put you and ignore the techniques of
modern dating. Remember that purity and integrity are a girl’s most
precious possessions. Be a girl with honour, and some day you will date a
very special young man. Like the others, he will ask for a kiss — as most
fellows do — to find out what sort of a girl you are. When you refuse,
this fellow will accept your decision without question or argument, and in his
heart he’ll be saying, "This is the kind of girl I’ve been looking for, someone
to be proud of. Easy on the eyes, but not easy on the take."
He’ll honour and respect you and learn to love you for what you are. And
you will suddenly discover that he is sharing your heart, and be glad you kept
your little "treasure of lave" just for him.
The above advice to us from a girl who has learned
a lot through reading and experience and who is doing much to get other girls
to keep themselves on the "pedestal of pure womanhood" is certainly
instructive. But, you will say, it is again telling you what not to do
and is not solving your problem. Suppose that I will then be not only
without dates for a while, you say, but never get any date again. Suppose
that I then never date Òa very special young man". Suppose they all
pass me by and leave me alone on that "pedestal of pure womanhood".
Very well, suppose it all. Remember that
God’s love is everlasting. You’ll probably escape so much more than you
miss. But whatever you do, refuse to fall in line with the ideas of
modern dating in order to get and keep a boy friend and, as a result, step very
low off your pedestal and cheapen yourself and let yourself be pawed over and
commit sin.
Since we mentioned above that sin is the greatest
evil in the world, it might be well here to quote this striking passage from
Newman’s Apologia: "The Catholic Church holds it better for the sun and
moon to drop from heaven, for the earth to fall, and for all the many millions
on it to die of starvation in extremest agony, as far as temporal affliction
goes, than one soul, I will not say, should be lost but should commit one
single venial sin, should tell one willful untruth, or should steal one poor
farthing without excuse."
But what you want to know, and what so many other
girls want to know, is how you can, despite such refusals, hold his attention.
The surest way of still holding his attention, as
is implied in the above, is your very refusal of concessions. If that
does not attract him, then his going is good riddance.
In addition to that primary requisite, the
following suggestions may be helpful:
1. Be charming and pleasant,
smart and as well dressed as possible, clever and attractive. Make virtue
attractive and yourself attractive with it. Everybody knows from bitter
experience that high courage is needed to be consistently good. All
admire virtue because virtue is essentially admirable.
2. Men, as a rule, are much
less willing to marry than are women. That is why there are, so they say,
more Catholic bachelors than there are Catholic spinsters. Therefore,
since most marriages are brought about by the young woman, when you meet a good
Catholic man whom you think you would like to marry, go about the business of
tactfully, intelligently, and virtuously interesting him and, after you are
sure he is the man for you, subtly persuade him to believe that he wants to
marry you and with chaste and charming womanly wiles get him to propose to
you. Don’t wait for the young man to take all the steps. Employ the
approved and maidenly arts by which the interest of a man is won. Make
the natural and quite proper overtures to marriage.
3. Be a good listener.
A man wants a good audience. Instead of chattering so much about your own
interests, listen to him with sympathy, interest, understanding.
Encourage him to talk about his plans, his ambitions, his struggles. Let
him feel that from you he can always get courage and encouragement in breasting
the world. A man wants his future wife to be a good listener, a restful
influence, a centre of peace, an inspiration, an audience.
4. Occasionally invite the
young man to your house and entertain him for the evening; let him see your
home and feel that you can make his home a centre of peace. Cook him a
good meal and serve it in your home; he will expect you to prepare good meals
for him after you are married. Let him see, too, how delightfully natural
and good you are to your folks at home—and how neat even when not dressed up.
5. Go with the man to the
places to which he likes to go and do the things he likes to do. Do not
be selfish. Forget your own preferences. Do not insist that he go
to places he does not care to go to or do things he does not care to do.
Sensibly and prudently keep him from spending too much time and money on
you. Still, a certain generosity towards the girl with whom a man goes
out is a good guarantee of his generosity towards the woman he will marry.
6. Do things together: walk,
ride, go to the movies, attend concerts, lectures, church; read the same books,
cultivate the same hobbies, etc. Try to find enjoyment in doing things
together, simple, inexpensive, interesting things.
7. If you remember that the
best of human beings are often weak, men disappoint girls and girls disappoint
men and that both men and women are too often foolish, if you don’t expect
perfection from the man you are going with, you will forgive him if he is
guilty of a frailty or of a venial sin. You will remember that to err is
human, to forgive, divine. Just as we must daily ask God to forgive us
our trespasses, so we also have frequent need to forgive one another our
trespasses. If the wrongs done, even if they greatly hurt your vanity and
convenience, are really at worst only venial sins, not only forgive them but forget
them. Better still, take practically no notice of them. Do not let
them disturb the course of your friendship. Even a more serious trespass,
if it is but rare, if it is but an occasional lapse of weakness, had better be
gracefully forgiven and forgotten. If he sinks so low as to do the sort
of things that are mortal sins, sorrowfully but firmly turn away and find
someone better.
Remember that unmarried men and women may not
deliberately accept or procure sexual pleasure in any way. It does not
make any difference how common the sin is, how easily it can be committed, how
generally it is done, or how briefly the forbidden act is enjoyed.
Deliberate sexual pleasure has no place in courtship. It is forbidden
under pain of mortal sin. And, let us plainly add, impurity before
marriage not infrequently may engender infidelity after marriage.
From all this advice to girls some might get the
impression that the boys are a bad lot, that they are always to blame. We
do not wish to give such an impression. As girls must be on their guard,
so, too, the boys must be on their guard as regards the girls. Just to
bring out this point, we quote the following from Dorothy Fremont Grant’s
"SO! You Want to Get Married!" (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1947.)
"Girls early come to the realization that they
have a mysterious ‘power’ over boys. But their exercise of it is often
miserably abused. Deliberately the girl drops her hankie or her compact
for the mere ‘pleasure’ ... of bringing him to her feet so that, at her leisure,
she can give him swift kick. Not without reason are some boys, and some
men, wary of girls and women. Deliberately the coarse girl will play one
boy off against another merely for the ‘pleasure’ of receiving their
competitive offerings for restoration to her favour. (And, by the way, it
is still good form for boys to confine offerings to flowers, candy, and books!)
"As deliberately as such foolish girls act I
have put the word pleasure in quotation marks, because this sort of
pleasure is illicit and immoral. It is essentially dishonest, cunning,
and cruel. The little tots would call such a girl ‘a dirty cheat’, and
without exaggeration. This is the girl who deserves to be packed away on
the shelf forever.
"It is true that by woman’s very nature she
does have a ‘power’ over man, a moral power. The moral tone of society is
set by woman, not by man, because she is the natural guardian of moral virtues;
this is a portion of her high calling. Except by physical force no woman
is involved in an immoral act against her will. Therefore the standard of
conduct between boys and girls is the major responsibility of the
girl. There is a real truth in the expression, ‘She led him on...’ "
A survey among Catholic high school boys and girls
in one city "indicates that unexplained warnings and verbal ‘don’ts’ fail
to convince the majority of adolescent boys and girls that there is any danger
in what they consider ‘musts’ or routine necessities of any successful dating
system. 22 per cent saw absolutely nothing seriously wrong in necking and
petting, and 24 per cent claimed that such indulgences are ‘not necessarily’
wrong, while 9 per cent believed that ‘petting only’ is wrong. From the
reasons given to support their judgment of these actions, it is evident that
the average boy and girl are completely ignorant of the nature of the
psychic and physical factors operating in the sex urge.
"While the majority saw no need for necking
and petting on a date, as many as 341 seniors considered such behaviour a
‘routine part of a girl’s relationship with boys.’ Though nearly 100
seniors considered such behaviour ‘cheap’ and ‘disgusting,’ none of the 1,042
who responded in the negative gave any ethical principles or moral reasons for
their stand. Only one 17-year-old boy came close to any substantial
insight into the problem when he stated: ‘After you go with a girl for a while,
you realize this isn’t the thing that counts’ " (America, July 14, 1951,
pp. 377 - 378).
Do you think it right for a boy to expect a kiss
after a date, as if it were a reward for taking you out?
Once upon a time a good Catholic wrote to me and
said, among other things:
"Father, when I go out with boys, I don’t care
to do the things that some do. You understand what I mean, don’t
you? I mean about parked cars, shows, etc. Then, about
kissing. I do not think it is really proper for a boy to expect a kiss
after about the third or fourth date, as though this were his reward for taking
me out. I want the boy to have the highest respect and courtesy for
womanhood. Is this the right way of thinking? As for myself, I do
not care to go out with boys any more. I did have the desire to, as is
only natural for a girl, but now I would rather play tennis, volley ball,
etc. Why must there always be that cheapening element in company
keeping? Isn’t it a remote preparation for marriage, which is truly a
beautiful and sacred state?"
l am twenty years old and am going with a good
Catholic boy. I don’t go in for heavy petting, maybe just a goodnight
kiss or one or two more. Am I right in believing that if no passions or
emotions are aroused, such kissing is considered safe? If the passions or
emotions are noticed in yourself or in the other person and you quit
immediately, is there any sin involved? What sort of sin is involved, if
any, as regards the thoughts and feelings (maybe desires) that go with some
kisses and that sometimes come when you are just out with a boy or perhaps by
yourself? Are these temptations? Or how can you distinguish?
How would you confess these sins?
"Am I right in believing that if no passions
or emotions are aroused, such kissing is considered safe?" It might
be possible for a non-passionate kiss, such as you mention, to be exchanged
between a young lady and her gentleman friend. If so, it is not sinful at
all because, as we are presuming, it is of such a nature as not to arouse the
passions of a normal person. It is this non-passionate kiss and embrace
that the engaged may make use of, very moderately and briefly and not too frequently
lest there be serious temptations, because in order to foster their mutual love
they have a right to show each other certain marks of this love. But
because a kiss between a man and a woman is a symbol, a sign of deep affection,
and the expression of the man’s and woman’s desire to bind that affection in
marriage, it should rarely be tolerated in the case of a casual
companion. To say goodnight by means of the symbolic expression which is
the pledge of undying love is quite of place. Don’t! And it is
never safe. A kiss begun in friendship can easily end in passion.
"If the passions or emotions are noticed in
yourself or in the other person and you quit immediately, is there any sin
If it was a non-passionate kiss, as mentioned
above, a token of honourable love, such as may be lawful even between persons
of the opposite sex, and if the kissing was really not done in order to arouse
venereal pleasure, and then you notice passions or emotions in yourself or in
the other person and you quit immediately and do not consent to such passions
and emotions, there may be no sin involved. But you who are asking are
the girl in the case and are perhaps not aware that the young man is naturally
much more passionate than you who are inclined to be merely affectionate and
distantly maternal. You do not know what is going on in that young man’s
interior. He may be giving willful consent to thoughts, desires, and even
to the most vehement feelings. In that case he has committed a mortal sin
and you co-operated in it. It may still not be a sin for you, because you
never thought that an innocent goodnight kiss would lead to anything like that.
"What sort of a sin is involved, if any, as
regards the thoughts and feelings (maybe desires) that go with some kisses, and
that sometimes come when you are just out with a boy or perhaps by
If you give willful consent to such thoughts,
feelings, desires, that is, if you rest in them with content, are glad you have
them, make no effort to banish them but rather entertain them, you commit a
mortal sin. Kissing of a passionate kind which stirs up venereal pleasure
(and really prolonged kissing is classified as passionate) is forbidden under
pain of serious sin. A kiss may be the spark that will blow up the highly
inflammable passions of youth and start a raging fire that cannot be put
out. A man can be rushed by kisses into brutal things, and a girl can be
kissed into anything, to the lifelong shame, regret and remorse of both and
often to the ruin of the girl besides.
"Are these temptations? Or how can you
distinguish? How would you confess these sins?’
As a learned author says: "Here it is wise to
distinguish between what is merely a natural phenomenon and what is a
temptation. It is entirely natural for a normal person at given times to
experience carnal imaginations, thoughts, feelings and desires. It would
be a sign of abnormality or constitutional disorder if he did not experience
them. But those experiences are not as yet a temptation by any means.
They become a temptation only when there is added to them the approach of lust,
or the lure to indulge in them unlawfully. This lust constitutes the
temptation. As long as it is not responded to or dallied with there can
be no question of sin, however strong the natural phenomenon may be."
Try always to avoid doing things that do not at all
have to be done and you know will bring about such temptations. And when
the temptations do come as come they will in spite of everything, quietly
resist them with prayer and attention to other things.
When a boy and a girl are keeping company, is it
all right for them to kiss each other?
In his book, "Those Terrible Teens" (New
York: Declan X. McMullen 1947), Father Vincent P. McCorry says some very plain
things about the sign that does not signify. To begin with, he says that
if you saw strange man enter a street car, pay his fare and then proceed to
shake hands with everyone in the car, you would say that the poor fellow was
either crazy or inebriated. Why? Because he was using a familiar
sign that was meaningless. The people of our civilization recognize the
clasp of hands as a sign of friendship. So, too, in the civilized world
which we know the kiss is a gesture and a contact which is understood to be the
sign of love. As such a sign the kiss reaches its perfection when it is
exchanged between a man and a woman who are bound together in the union of true
love. Such a kiss is a sublime and holy thing. Our age, which has
deified love of the sexual sort, has simultaneously debased and degraded the
love sign, the kiss. No one will pretend that a girl can love every young
man with whom she associates, yet they keep assuring her with all propriety she
may kiss any boy with whom she spends an hour or an evening. Well might
we blame a girl for making herself so sickeningly cheap. Yet in our own
day it is only what the smart contemporary world, what
Hollywood and the
popular magazines and the beastly advertisements tell her to do. We know
that Our Blessed Lord, in His own life, said some strangely harsh things about
the world and the devil and their conspiracy against weak flesh. The plain,
discouraging truth is that for many a boy and girl today the kiss is no longer
a sign of love. It is no longer a sign of anything. It is either a
brutal, physical sport, or - God save the mark! — a payment. It is a
degrading idea that the girl is somehow indebted to the boy for taking her out,
and that the coin of her payment is the kiss. The suggestion bears a
distinct and malodorous resemblance to commercialized vice. For Catholic
girls, nothing more need be said.
We now quote verbatim the last three paragraphs of
this classical chapter of an excellent book that you should have:
"The kiss exists, now, for its own sake,
without relating to meaning of any sort. It is sought, given and
exchanged, not to express and glorify a gorgeous reality, but to yield a
momentary thrill. The kiss used to rise up from the heart; now it is
chained to the body. It used to incarnate the highest aspirations of two
who loved; now it embodies the lowest desires of two who lust for one
another. The kiss was once a poem and a song; now it is a kind of silent
blasphemy. So ends the modern history of the sublime sign of love.
"Lke every other portion of the noble human
body which the most high God first lovingly formed out of the slime of the
earth, the lips are a miracle and a meditation. The lips of the infant
draw life from its mother’s breast. The lips help, throughout life, in
the normal, necessary functions of eating and drinking. The lips play
their part in the wonder of speech and in the equal marvel of silence.
The lips make a straight line of courage in adversity, and softly part in the
rare moments of surpassing joy which this poor world affords. The lips
whisper the act of contrition, and open to welcome the white flake that is
Christ Jesus. The lips will taste a last anointing with holy oil, and -
their last loving sign, please God! - will be pressed against the crucifix in
the very article of death. The lips will be gently closed by loving
hands, and will open again one day to sing forever the rapturous praise of the
triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
"It is these lips which sweetly yield to the
beloved the lovely sign of love. Let them yield nothing else, ever."
Is it all right for them to kiss each other?
In her excellent book, "SO! You Want to Get Married!,"
Dorothy Grant says among other things:
"What about kissing?
"All right, what about it? We may as
well meet this ever-pressing question right off.
"Instead of ‘ganging up’ with their own kind
during the initial moments of a party, why don’t boys and girls go right to it
and kiss? If there is no harm in a kiss why be ‘bashful about coming
forward? Why not kiss under a brilliantly lighted chandelier instead of
out in the moonlight behind the honeysuckle vine? Why not?
"A girl would kiss her father before a room
full of people. Why not a boy?
"Can it be because maybe there is harm
in a kiss?
"Of course, kissing dad is old stuff.
Kissing a boy is definitely a kiss of another colour — usually quite red.
"Because there is as much potential harm in
kissing a boy as there is potential harm in human nature. How bad can you
be? Do you know? True, dad is an old hand at the business. He
has been kissing mother for years: but that’s the point it is mother whom
he has kissed. There was a first kiss between mother and dad, probably
the kiss which decided dad to give mother his name, his heart, and his life.
"As far as the girl is concerned, in truth,
there may be little harm in a kiss because usually a girl is less
tempted than a boy. But a kiss that leaves her unmoved may be a mortal
sin for him, and a portion of the guilt of that mortal sin will be hers because
she permitted the kiss. None of the guilt is hers if the boy without the
least encouragement has taken the kiss by force, but a decent boy seldom does
Therefore the degree of ‘harm’ in a kiss must be
measured by the circumstance - under the chandelier or behind the honneysuckle
vine. As Father Furfey points out in his book, "This Way to
Heaven," a kiss ‘may be anything from a beautiful act of supernatural
charity to a mortal sin of impurity.’ It is questionable if a kiss
delivered behind the honeysuckle vine is likely to be a ‘beautiful act of
supernatural charity’.
"God has endowed our sense of touch with
certain pleasant reactions. Why? So that within the bonds of
matrimony, a man and a woman will unite, ‘two in one flesh’ for the procreation
of children. Within the bonds of matrimony a kiss, a caress are essential
preliminaries to this complete union of man and wife. Outside the bonds
of matrimony a kiss, a caress are just as appealing to the senses, but in this
circumstance physical union is a mortal sin."
And in the concluding chapter of this excellent
book the gifted author has these practical remarks:
"When I suggest you refuse advances in the
interest of being popular and sought after by the right kind of boys, I am
remembering my ‘dates.’ Memory insists it is true that if you are ‘hard
to get’ you will be sought by the kind of boys you want to know. Of all
the young men who ‘dated’ me only one kissed me of my own free will. That
one I married.
"If and when the others took a kiss contrary
to my will — boys will do that - they had dated me for the last time. It
was much more pleasant to spend an evening at home with my mother or with a
good book than spend hours on a ‘date’ with a boy who refused to understand
that ‘No’ meant ‘No!’ Memory serves me well on this point.
"Nor did I stand by this moral principle just
because these words are found in the dictionary. Far from it. These
were guns which mother said were worth defending and I believed she knew what
she was talking about. Who could know better than mother about such
"Every age has its superficialities, but
fundamentally I do not believe the girls of today are any different from the
girls of my teen days. Human nature does not change, nor do the divine
and natural moral laws change from age to age."
Diocesan Censor.
Imprimatur: J. R. KNOX,
Archbishop of Melbourne.
20th March, 1968.