Is sexual control Injurious?
often hear it said that sexual control is injurious mentally and physically. Nothing
is more contrary to the truth. It is true that the sexual instinct is powerful
and recurrent. It is also true that many things in our modern environment are
sexually exciting and make restraint difficult. Indeed, living conditions
themselves are often such that any easily-grasped pleasure seems desirable and
attractive. Consequently, a whole host of reasons are put forward to
rationalize and justify sexual licence.
Among these is the claim that it is
unnatural to suppress such a strong desire and that such suppression leads to
neuroses and personality problems and even worse.
These ideas which are put forward by
various people, and even by some psychiatrists, are contrary to science and
experience. Research has revealed the fact that it is not suppression but
irregular sex relations, whether inside or outside the married state, that do
damage physically, mentally and socially. There is, indeed no evidence either
from physiology, from psychology or from experience, that sexual intercourse
for the unmarried is necessary to maintain physical or mental health. In other
words, chastity is possible for all.
It is not difficult for anyone to
cite numerous examples from among his acquaintance of those who have controlled
their sexual impulses and have still been happy and able to contribute their
share to the welfare of the community, without any suggestion of damaged
In fact, it is well known that many
people deliberately undertake a life of continence to dedicate their lives to
some cause which they have at heart. This kind of sacrifice, which is the
result of a whole-hearted commitment and which is a free and deliberate act of
the will, is not detrimental to the personality, but rather a satisfying and
enriching experience. It is often necessary, in various spheres of life, to
sacrifice one set of cherished interests for the achievement of others, even
more valued. It is by no means rare for the sexual mode of life to be deliberately
sacrificed in this way. Those who make this sacrifice may still value and
appreciate the sexual power that they possess, but without any harm to their
health or personalities, they may choose not to use them.
No-one has to yield in sexual
matters. We choose freely. But it is important to note that a right choice is
made only when pros and cons have been carefully pondered and understood. Once a
decision is made, based on a firm conviction of what we really know is best,
then we have a reasonable chance of controlling our desires.
There is a vast difference between
wrong attitudes towards sex and control or suppression of sex. Wrong attitude
can certainly be harmful. They may consist in not acknowledging the sexual side
of our natural and of building up unnatural barriers. This often springs from a
faulty training or education in sex matters which has engendered a false sense
of guilt where none should exist, or from a lack of basic and essential knowledge.
Such attitudes can also be the result of some shocking experience encountered
earlier in life. Those who feel they have a wrong attitude towards sex should
seek advice from some competent person – a doctor, a clergyman, or some older
person whom they respect. In serious cases, where there is real disturbance, a
reputable psychiatrist should be consulted.
Young people should think well ahead
to other goals they wish to achieve during the years to come. These goals may
actually depend for their success on the self-control exercised before
marriage, and impulsiveness during youth may have far-reaching effect in putting
the fulfilment of the most cherished needs and desires out of reach. Such needs
and desires do not make themselves felt as urgently in youth as does sex, but
they ultimately matter much more to the mind and heart. When they are not
fulfilled, regret and even bitterness may often result.
A lack of self-mastery, indeed,
inspires no confidence in self or in others, and, since partners in life are
expected to give support by sharing problems and helping to solve them, this
lack of responsibility is a serious obstacle to happiness in marriage. A lax
and selfish attitude towards sex should show a red right to anyone who can read
the signs.
Modern society makes great demands
on the young, but the rewards of winning through are also great. Those who can
control their sexual desire are preparing for a life of which the quality will
be high. They will enjoy a family life lived in peace and understanding,
because they will have learned how to make the necessary sacrifices
intelligently and generously.