Sunday, 30 September 2012



            Formerly, it was sufficient for young Christian people to know and believe that lack of control in sex matter was wrong, because the bible tells us this, Christ confirmed it and the church has always taught it. Today the youths are confronted with questions from a godless society which wants different and moreover easy answers. The traditional ones are unacceptable to them. They feel confident that, in this enlightened times, complications like venereal disease and unwanted pregnancies only happen to the stupid and ignorant. The sense of guilt that has traditionally been attached to unchaste actions are now being dismiss lightly and something belonging to a past mentality. Having disposed of these and other reasons for practising chastity, they find no other to replace them convincingly.

            Since the clock cannot be put back, we must face the fact that those who want to be chaste have an uphill fight. Often the physical side of sex is being falsely presented to them, outside its total context, as being the “real thing,” and consequently it is easy for youth to confuse sex pleasure with sex. The purpose of sex education should be to cultivate a proper understanding of sex and all the enriching values it can bring to life.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

            When the pituitary gland sends its message to the ovaries (a “get busy” message), it is answered in a special way by one of the hundreds of thousands of tiny egg-cells which are in the ovaries. This little cell then pushes its way to the surface, and eventually it breaks free from the ovary. It is then drawn into the fallopian tube by the fimbriae or tentacles at the free end of the tube. Slowly it moves down this tube, which is very narrow, leaving only a little spare room.

            The fertilization of the ovum occurs in this following way; the male fluid or semen is deposited in the vagina. This fluid contains hundreds of millions of little cells called spermatozoa or simply sperms. These thresh about blindly in all directions, most of them die in the acid secretions of the vagina, but some succeed in making their way into the uterus, and some of these find their way into the fallopian tubes. If there is an egg in one of the tube, some of the sperms will run into it, and ultimately one of them may penetrate its lining and fertilize it.

A new organism has now been formed, a new human being with an immortal soul. This new organism embeds itself in the thick spongy lining of the uterus, which, under the influence of hormones, is developed and maintained in such a way as to nourish and protect the new life.

            If fertilization does not take place in one of the tubes, the ovum soon dies there, and the thickened lining of the uterus separates and passes away with a flow of blood (menstruation), which is the result of this process. By disposing of unwanted tissue from the lining of the uterus, nature plays its part in keeping the female body healthy and attractive.
            This, then, is a simple explanation of the fascinating process of reproduction, which should be clearly understood by all maturing young people so that they can freely make right and enlightened decisions in all matters pertaining to sex.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

How to plan your life

Adolescence and Adulthood


Childhood is a time of nurture and protection, which gives place to puberty or adolescence, thence to adult life.

            Adolescence is a transition period when profound physiological changes occur in the human body that leads to the appearance of male and female secondary sex-characteristics.

            In the human body, series of small areas of tissue with highly specialized function (endocrine glands) are scattered all-over. These glands discharge their secretions directly into the blood stream. Their shape and functions very, it is the changes in the activities of these glands that are mainly responsible for the phenomena of puberty or adolescence.


Male: the male sex mechanism after been dormant in the body for thirteen years now begins to function slowly. The penis and the scrotum (two small oval bodies called the testes) are the two principal organs of reproduction. The scrotum, at the age of puberty begins to make a chemical which is passed into the blood stream thence carried by the blood to all parts of the body.

Thus, this chemical is responsible for the bodily changes that now occur (the development of muscles, the growth of hair, and the deepening of the voice). The male cell of reproduction called the sperms is also produced by the testes. Once the body begins to produce sperms, it continues to do so until late in life. The sperms pass into a tube called the sperm duct which curves around so that it joins on to the tube leading from the bladder to the penis. This latter tube is called the urethra, and it has two functions. It conducts to the penis the waste water which accumulates in the bladder, and it also conducts the sperms which pass into it through the sperm duct when they are needed.


Female: the controlling force of the female body or “leader of the orchestra” as it has been aptly named, is the pituitary gland (a mass of nerve tissue about the size of a walnut at the base of the brain).

            As adolescence is established and the glandular system matures, a hormone or chemical messenger is secreted by the pituitary gland. This is carried in the blood stream to the ovaries, in order to stimulate them to activity, and a series of changes then occurs in the body which result in the development of female secondary sex-characteristics (increase in the size of the breasts, rounding of the hips, growth of pubic and axillary hair, and in the phenomenon of menstruation). The menstruation is controlled in a rhythmical way. It is a recurring effort on the part of the body to prepare for the beginning of a new life and for its nesting and development.